Inspired by the classic French cheese Morbier, but made in the rolling hills of the Cotswolds! Ashcombe is a smooth, supple cheese, with a striking line of ash running through...
Created by us! A limited PARLOURMENTARY cheese. We have taken Stoney Cross made by Lyburn & aged it in fermenting Baccus grape skins. Finally it's washed in a Chardonnay grape...
Welcoming Beauvale Blue, a British melt in the mouth blue cheese. Indulgently creamy with tight blue veins running through and a delightful salty crunch. From the same makers of Cropwell...
Cheesemaker Joe Schneider, Randolph Hodgson of Neal’s Yard Dairy and the Welbeck Estate have joined forces to make a blue cheese from raw milk. Stichelton Dairy is located in a...
Blacksticks Blue is a golden-hued blue-veined cheese. It has a creamy texture and a buttery distinctive bite made from pasteurised milk taken from the farms’ pedigree herd. The moderate blue...
Cornwall Pasta Co. Is an organic company that use traditional Bronze Dies, this give the pasta a coarse surface so it holds the sauce significantly better.